Movies & Videos

IPTVMax VODs List:


 There is over 36,000 Movies & Videos in IPTVMax’s Playlist. We have brought you new, popular, classic Movies & Series in all genre for you to enjoy of the Best IPTVMax, The Best IPTV Service Ever.

This list contains SD, HD, Full HD and also 3D Quality.

Usually we update the list to add new Movies/Series/Videos to list. You can check this page or get a free test and check it yourself.

Updating the list is free and automatic.

Adult VODs: (1210)
Albanian VODs: (2690)
Animation VODs: (62)
Arabic VODs: (107)
English VODs: (5875)
España VODs: (1423)
EX-YU VODs: (30)
Finnish VODs: (46)
French VODs: (750)
German VODs: (3448)
Greek VODs: (293)
Indian VODs: (768)
Italian VODs: (2133)
Korean VODs: (2)
Macedonian VODs: (2)
Nordic VODs: (2020)
Polish VODs: (968)
Portuguese VODs: (3507)
Romanian VODs: (833)
Russian VODs: (78)
Swedish VODs: (242)
Türkish VODs: (2925)

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